Monday, August 13, 2012

Power of Positiveness

My Perfectly Posh sponsor recently issued a challenge to all the consultants on her team. 
This was the challenge:
Start each day/week with a POSITIVE affirmation. This can be a bible verse or a positive statement for you to apply to yourself. etc: "My life is filled with success and fortune" the key again with positive affirmations, is to BELIEVE it. You can recite an affirmation all day long, but if you don't "feel it" or Believe it, it's just a bunch of words. When I recite an affirmation, I close my eyes, see it, and recite it with intent.  Replace your negative thoughts with a positive affirmation and see how your week changes.

Monday: Create a positive affirmation or find one online
Tuesday:make a list of 20 or more negative words & then cross it out with a single line and replace with a BOLD POSITIVE word! anytime you have a negative thought or speak negatively about yourself, immediately turn it into a POSITIVE.
Wednesday:Find pictures in magazines, catalogs or online of what SUCCESS looks like to you.
Thursday:Write down your Goals for the Month & put them in a place you will see them daily.
Friday: Take all of the above and create a VISION BOARD or GOAL POSTER

I'm all about challenges, especially if they have a contest attached. I just wanted to share some of the photos I used to describe what success meant to me. 

Debt Freedom pretty much sums up success to me. When we get all our debts paid off I know I'll feel so much better. Stress free. We are working on it slowly but surely. We have set up our budget and put our debts in order form smallest to largest. We've already knocked one credit card off by paying it off in full a week or so ago. Even though was just a store card it felt so amazing to pay it off and be done with it. I nearly threw out the whole file but then I realized I better keep the paperwork for a at least a year just to make sure nothing comes back on us.  

Home ownership also shows success in my eyes. Since you all know how much of a Pinterest addict I am you should know I've planned out every aspect of our "Dream home". That is one of the reasons we're working so hard to pay off all our debts so we can start saving up to build our dream home. I can't wait. I have my house plans picked out and everything. The house plans were shown in a previous post.
 I thought this picture fit considering Perfectly Posh is a spa grade pampering product company. I hope one day I can bathe in my

 This picture to me just means peace. With success I feel like it would be a much more peaceful life. No more worries about money. I love this picture so much I've thought about printing it off to put on a large scale canvas to hand up in the house somewhere.  It would look great on the wall in our master bedroom in the dream home. 
   I love how the girl in the picture looks so carefree and happy. Although I do have my moments of feeling that, I think when I reach the level of success I want to I will feel this way all the time.

This picture is a little more of reward than success. I hope that when we get more debts paid off we can purchase a minivan for me. I have a nice car now, but if we have another baby there wont be room. I need more room in the trunk for things for vendor events and parties as well. I'm hoping to trade up sometime next year. 

I loved working on this challenge because it gave me visuals for what I was aiming for. Success is different for different people. Success is something you have to continually work on to keep but I feel like once I reach some of the goals described in these pictures that I will be there and then will just start maintaining that success.  My next project is to set up a 5 year plan on attaining this success. I love Perfectly Posh and everything it's done for me in just the few months I've been a part of the company. I can't wait to see where I'll be in a year from now with it. If anyone wants more information on the company you can contact me at or visit my site Perfectly Posh by Allison.

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