So now down to business. Since hubby has been gone for almost 2 months the house has kinda turned into girl central with just me and Kadee here. Not to mention it's cluttered up quite a bit with lack of time or energy to devote to straightening up every night since I'm here dealing with a 1 year old all by myself. I got up this morning at 7.............hit snooze and got up at 7:45........hit snooze again and was woken up by Kadee at 8. I did get out of bed at 8 and got started.
Master bedroom is all clean top to bottom except for the floors which are currently sitting with baking soda waiting for me to vacuum. I figured they needed a good airing out so I'm gonna let it sit for a while and just close the door to keep the little one out of there.
I normally work my way through the house so the bathroom would be next but I find, since I'm by myself, it is much easier to clean the bathroom while my daughter is taking a bath. She's out of my way and reach of my rags and cleaners to spill everywhere, but still in the room to see and talk to mommy. I only wished I had discovered this little trick sooner. So for now we'll skip the bath and move on to her room.
I've purged the toy-box, dressers, bookshelf, and closet. We only had one casualty too, my beloved Beauty & The Beast snow globe. It was knocked off the shelf by a book and broke into 1000 pieces on the hardwood floor. I quickly grabbed my daughter and put her in her highchair. I put the highchair in her room so I could clean up the mess and finish going through everything in her room while she could still see me. I popped in a movie and gave her a bottle and lo and behold she fell asleep. I took that as my cue for a break.
I am amazed at the amount of garage sale and throw out stuff I've found this go through the house. We haven't brought anything into the house since the last garage sale and yet I've got just as much stuff if not more since the last one. Some of it is baby items that my daughter has outgrown or doesn't really use much anymore so that accounts for part of it but the rest was there the last time I went through the house I guess I just thought I still needed it then.
I will tackle the bathroom tonight during bath time, finish up laundry, vacuum the master bedroom, and I think that will be it for today. I'll do the front of the house tomorrow. Plenty of time for me to get ready for Jason to be home and get everything picked out for garage sale. I have a few garage sale items to clean up and get ready to sell which I'll work on next week. My goal is to get as much clutter gone as possible so when we move (possibly in the next few months) there wont be as much to move. I hate moving boxes of stuff we don't want or need to a new house for them to sit around and take up space.
This is a photo of my daughter just for the heck of it. Isn't she adorable? My daughter has woke up from her nap now so I guess it's time to get back to work so I can relax this evening.
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