Well it's the day after my Brother's wedding. Everything went smoothly, the bride was beautiful, and I think everyone enjoyed it. Although it was hot there was a slight breeze blowing.
Kadee's birthday party went great also. My mother did an amazing job on the cake and I think everyone had a good time. She got lots of great new clothes and her very first baby doll (which she sleeps with every night now). She was exhausted by the end of the day. 

Today I'm exhausted. I feel like I could sleep all day, to bad I have things to do. After not being here all week the house is a mess. I woke up this morning and cleaned the kitchen, and did the few dishes I've used that have been stacked in the sink all week. I've started laundry and straightened up the living room. I feel much better now.
Even after the extensive clean out earlier in the year I have felt like there was more I could get rid of. I've been going through the house again. I've cleared out the laundry/junk room, kitchen, and dinning room so far. I will try to get to the living room, bedrooms, and bathroom this week. Maybe a garage sale in the fall I'm thinking. I'm kind of amazed at the stuff I've come up with this time considering we haven't gained any new stuff. This was all here last time I've cleared out, I've just realized we didn't need it.
Clearing out the debt is going well also. Unless anything changes we will be paying off one credit card next week, possibly two. Jason was called out for Insurance adjusting since my last post so he is making good money with that and when he returns will go back to working for A+Affordable Roofing. We are hoping to get all the credit cards paid off by the end of the year if not sooner. Then next year we'll work on the bigger debts (vehicle loans). The plan is to get things paid off, buy some land and lease it out for livestock while we save up some more to build our home.

Business is booming as well. I had seven parties booked this month. Two have been rescheduled but the others went great. I have unofficially promoted to Pink. I will see it officially when they run the monthly reports. I'm loving this company. They have convention this weekend and due to the wedding I wasn't able to attend but I still won a contest at convention and they are mailing my goodies to me. If you're interested in joining my team email me AllisonPOSH996@gmail.com and visit my site Perfectly Posh by Allison.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful rest of the summer.